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Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years as a holistic treatment to promote healing and wellness. Sometimes, aromatherapy is also known as essential oil therapy. This is because aromatherapy sprays have varying degrees of antimicrobial activity. In addition, essential oils are believed to interact positively with your body’s enzymes and hormones to bring about changes in bodily functions such as blood pressure.

How to use essential oil sprays to cleanse your space, heal your body and focus on self-care

Practitioners of aromatherapy believe that the essential oils produce fragrance to stimulate nose nerves, especially when used as sprays. The nerves send impulses to the brain part that controls emotion and memory.

The kind of essential oil cleansing sprays to use for your healing and body depends on what you’d like to achieve from them. Different aromatherapy sprays with essential oils such as Frankincense, chamomile, and lavender have a calming effect to help people struggling with anxiety. If you’re coping with depression and stress, peppermint and bergamot are essential oil sprays that can help.

Apart from those effects, aromatherapy sprays also treat several mental and physical conditions like infections, burns, insomnia, inflammations, and general skin care. So if you’re in the mood to experience some self-love and cleanse your home, aromatherapy sprays can come in handy and turn a not-so-good day into a better one.

Bottom line

There are nearly one hundred essential oils available for your use, and each has varying healing properties and effects. Essential oils are applied differently depending on what you want to achieve. You can care for your health by using aromatherapy sprays to stimulate you, relieve stress, and stay calm.

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