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What is sliding scale?

Sliding Scale is a flexible range of prices that adjust to the needs and income of the customer. This scale is not to be viewed as a discount, it's an opportunity for more people to enjoy our healing products at prices that reflect individuals needs. Using a sliding scale model, and paying according to one’s available resources provides a more equitable, accessible and sustainable community while also allowing fair compensation to the maker.

Why do we offer sliding scale?

We are committed to making and offering accessible healing aids. Given my background and growing up in the time of D.A.R.E. and the war on drugs where Black & brown people where disproportionately arrested for using, possessing and selling drugs. My father was incarcerated for bringing drugs across the US/Mexican border when I was young. He fled back home to Mexico to avoid more jail time, my sister and I missed out on so much time and love with our papa. Years later he was in a terrible car accident and didn’t go to the hospital for fear of being sent back to jail. He died a few days later and we never got to say goodbye. This is my story and there are so many others. Hemp CBD is now federally legal and Cannabis is legal in many states. Yet there are so many people still incarcerated, have criminal records, have had their lives and families torn apart because of foolish laws.

Who can use our sliding scale?

Everyone can use the sliding scale! It’s important to consider intersections that inhibit folks to move forward in society due to systemic oppression like race, gender, class, sexual orientation, etc. That being said, people who can afford the higher range should pay it, and people who are lacking funds should enjoy the same things at a lower price. This creates a beautiful cycle and form of mutual aid for everyone.

Do I need to show proof of income?

Nope! This scale is based on the honor system. We will not ask to see paystubs or ask any income related questions. We also understand that your position on our scale may change but what remains constant is our dedication to offering healing aids to you, and with your help we are able to offer our products and services to folks who cannot afford them.

Ok, now let’s get down to it. Find where you fit in. We hope you enjoy this financial exchange.

✔ I or my family own a house

✔ I can cover all of my basic needs and extras like eating out and drinking, etc.

✔ I am able bodied

✔ I am able to travel & or take vacations

✔ My race, ethnicity, color, gender, physical or mental capacity do not impact my income

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✔ I or my family have some assets

✔ I have family support

✔ I have some credit card or student debt

✔ I can cover my basic needs, but sometimes worry about extra things

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✓ I or my family have few to no assets

✓ I have little family support

✓ I have a lot of credit card or student debt

✓ My race, ethnicity, color, gender, physical or mental capacity negatively impacts my income

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✓ I sometimes struggle to cover my basic needs (housing, food)

✓ I have little to no family support

✓ I struggle to find/keep work/work full time

✓ My race, ethnicity, color, gender, physical or mental capacity negatively impacts my income

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