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Herbal Flower in CBD Joints

Each herbal hemp CBD blend was meticulously crafted and created to give the user an experience they can feel immediately with lasting results. These full-spectrum CBD joints offer all the benefits of cannabinoids without the high of THC. Our CBD has less than .3% THC so you won’t get high but you might feel like you are walking on air. We use all organic herbs in the blends, including lavender, damiana, chamomile, sage, skullcap, rose, passionflower, mugwort, Calea zacatechichi, and of course hemp CBD.

Our CBD joints or pre-rolls are made with all organic herbs. Sourced locally whenever possible. We use RAW cones and hand pack each joint, featuring 5 different herbal mixes: Fuck the Stress, Grounded, Self-Love, Coyolxauqui, and Frida. Each unique mix is made to aid you on your healing journey. Enjoy almost instant relief when you smoke one of our CBD pre-rolls. Don’t smoke? Our herbal blend jars make wonderful herbs for a cup of tea or enjoy in a calming warm bath.

How can I use CBD?

CBD Blends are made to smoke, sip, or bathe with. So relax, lay back, and take some time for yourself. We are all about self-love and self-care and there’s nothing better than having some fun tools to help you along the way.

What are some of the benefits of CBD?

CBD can assist you with an array of issues such as sleep issues, dreams, vivid dreams, lucid dreams, connection to higher self, self-love, grounding, stress, anxiety, depression, physical pain, mood, and more. Explore CBD with us and enjoy all of the benefits CBD has to offer. CBD has shown to be amazing for physical pain such as fibromyalgia, sore muscles, pulled muscles, sprains, arthritis, pain from varicose veins, and much more. Smoking CBD is a fast way to get soothing results. You can smoke our herbal CBD blends in your pipe or bong.

Why did we start using CBD?

I started incorporating CBD in my products when my mom was diagnosed with Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome just to name a few. Her physical pain was so bad and I was desperate to find things to help soothe her pain. After consistent use of CBD products, we immediately started seeing amazing results. She started having more spoons to be able to do more small things for herself, more energy, less anxiety, better mood, less irritability, desire to live, and love.

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